Friday, December 25, 2009

“Ninja" is alive again or ... plans for the near future

We bought a motorbike, a Royal Enfield 350 from 1998, a model from the times of the II World War. Her name… Ninja. In memory of my belated best friend.

The plan is to go around India with no itinerary and no schedule other than that we need to exit the country in May, or until our money reserves extinguish.
Some ideas seem to indicate some paragliding in the horizon, climbing, yoga practice, maybe meditation retreats, snake handling training and also along the way some teaching of first aid and environment education to communities.

Surely it reminds me of Che motorbike’s trip around South America, but I just hope it will not involve any cow crashes, since we are in the country of this free and sacred ruminant.

The options are opened and the road is ours :).

beep beep !!!

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