Friday, July 25, 2008


Arriving in India... New Delhi... again another cultural shock...

As most of you know I'm not a city guy... and this one is something ... mostly what I can tell for the short experience (or long in my case) is that at the eyes of western (developed!?!) countries it's dificult to imagine human beings living in this conditions.

If you're looking for adrenaline bursts, forget any radical adventure sports you may know... travelling in india is the one activity for you.
I guess it is very proper to believe in reencarnation around here... there's no other option for the low value for life that persists around (considering traffic, basic patterns of living conditions, etc). And yes, life is always on a slackline here.

After running away from the city, I finnaly make it to the place where I'm gonna stay for the next couple of months... Mcleod Ganj ... a beautiful village in the mountains of the Himalayas in the North of India.
This place is knowned for hosting a big community of tibetean refugees, including the headquarters of tibete and the house of the Dalai Lama.
Nice sceneries and atmosphere, surrounded by big mountains and a lot of cultural mix from tibeteans, hindus, nepalese, foreigners, etc.
A place for practices such as yoga, reiki, massages, buddhism, and many kinds of natural medicines and activities.

Anyway, it looks quite a pleasant place to be experiencing for the coming times.

See ya

Novidades!!! News!!!

Depois deste tempo todo e de ter parado de dar noticias... apos a Tailandia e uma breve estadia em portugal ... vou voltar a activar o blog, mas agora em regime lentinho e em ingles, so' para colocar algumas fotos e dar noticias ao pessoal amigo e conhecido que esteja em interessado

assim sendo... curtam a vida e vemos por ai', algures no mundo
